Grade School
Parish School of Religion

Who We Are​
The children's program at St. Margaret of Scotland is viewed as a balance to and not a substitute for the Christian formation of children by parents in the homes. Parents agreed to this duty at their child’s baptism.
Recommendation for Parents
Prior to first grade a child should know:
The Sign of the Cross
The Lord’s Prayer
One form of Grace prior to a meal.
God as Creator of all things
Jesus as the Son of God
Mary as the mother of Jesus
Realize that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus and Easter is about Jesus’ Resurrection
When We Meet
Wednesdays from 5:30-6:45 PM
Class Fees
Registered Parishioners:
$45.00 for one child
$80.00 for two children
$120.00 for three or more children
$55.00 per child
For Active Parishioners: No child will be denied religious education because of family financial difficulties.​